About This Game Eselmir and the five magical gifts is a 2D point and click adventure game inspired by the old classics of the genre. It tells the story of Eselmir and his journey to find the five magical lost gifts of King Theoson, leading the player to explore an imaginary world studied in every detail. An atypical and elegant fantasy made up of stories within the story, one enclosed in the other.StoryIn a vast fantasy world ruled by powerful deities and ancient spells, where people build flourishing cities, great monuments thrive and nature is inhabited by fairies and mysterious creatures, the extraordinary story of Eselmir takes place. Eselmir, a priest devoted to the Goddess of Time, belongs to the ancient Pirin race, demigod descendants of a fairy and a mortal who live on the highest mountains in the east. One night, Eselmir receives a mission from his Goddess that could change the fate of many: to find the five lost gifts of King Theoson, progenitor of the Pirin civilization, who upon his death was buried together with his treasures in a secret place whose grave was never found again.Features An engaging 2D point and click adventure game entangled with puzzles and mysticism, breathtaking landscapes and picturesque characters. It is an original blend of fairy tales, inspired by ancient mythology and medieval folklore. It explores an entire continent with countless and flourishing civilizations including magical items and enchanted charming places. A Narratively-rich 2D point and click adventure game filled with brillant dialogues, mystery and magic. Dozens and dozens of puzzles and many inventory objects to collect and interact with. Over 170 hand-illustrated and digitally colored backgrounds, 140+ characters and 15+ hours of gameplay. Original soundtrack specifically composed for the game. 40 challenging in-game achievements and several collectibles to find. DRM-Free.The Pirin SagaThe concept of the game was inspired and based on texts and drawings of a young talented Swiss writer, Sebastiano B. Brocchi who wrote a new elegant fantasy saga called "Pirin." The game is set in his own created universe. The hand made drawings are easily recognizable with a strong personality, are of the same style used to illustrate the book made by Brocchi itself.SummaryGenre: Point and click adventure, 2D, fantasySubtitles: English, Italian Voiceover (cutscenes only): English, ItalianNote from Developers:Thanks for your interest in our game! We would like to make you aware in advance that "Eselmir and the five magical gifts" is a slow-paced game with a lot of reading. For this reason, we encourage you to read reviews from the press or from other players and watch some video walkthroughs before to buy the game. 6d5b4406ea Title: Eselmir and the five magical giftsGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Stelex SoftwarePublisher:Stelex SoftwareRelease Date: 11 Jan, 2018 Eselmir And The Five Magical Gifts Torrent Download [serial Number] Resolution is too small. Graphics are mildly interesting but could use some major improvement. Too much walking. Too much "I think wordiness in prose makes a fantasy world good". In-game text is hard to read. I didn't even make it that far into the game before I had to quit.. I really enjoyed Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts. A lovingly crafted adventure in every detail—from its rich characters and world to the hand-painted aesthetic. A nice point-and-click surprise hidden in the Steam Store.. I really enjoyed Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts. A lovingly crafted adventure in every detail\u2014from its rich characters and world to the hand-painted aesthetic. A nice point-and-click surprise hidden in the Steam Store.. Tried to like it but didn't manage it... Respect for the guy behind it but it demands too much reading (in-game but also from the novel) and it's too slow paced (too many things to examine without a specific direction given or maybe I just didn't find it because I have no idea about the in-world history). Also the graphics didn't manage to capture me like others said. They're nicely drawn for a single picture maybe, but not as a moving background. There's also no angle, no camera position... Don't know, I tried hard but didn't manage to like it. I have finished around 40 point-and-click games so far (and I didn't like all of them) and this is just the 3rd that I quit without finishing it (the others being Dracula Origin and The Moment of Silence in case it matters). Eselmir and the five magical gifts has a rich story, many ineresting characters, and some beautiful scenes.I loved playing the game it was reminiscent of playing some of my favorite classic Point & Click Aventure games (like Kings Quest or Legend of Kyrandia). My biggest issues with the game are more in it's dynamics and interface. There's very few actual things you can click on. When you right click to cycle through available actions it will only show things you can actually do. You basically can't try to do anything or look at anything they don't want you to look at. In most other Point and Click Adventure games I've played you can cycle through all your actions and try all of them even if they don't give any useful results. I feel like that's a better system as this game feels more like you are just clicking through their story as opposed to making actual discoveries and decisions. It's also difficult to explore the terrains as some places give you arrows to let you know ou can walk in that direction and some don't. If it's an area that doesn't give an arrow it's not always obvious that you are able to walk to other areas.The other issue (also related to the dynamics and interface) is the invenory/item system. You can't try and use an item wherever you want. If you can use it you can only right click through the available interactive spots on the screen and if you are supposed to use that item it will show up. This takes out a lot of the fun of thinking about how you can solve problems. If you complete all the dialogues than anytime you need to use an inventory item it will just show up in the available actions. This isn't preferable since it again takes away that sense of problem solving and discovery. I believe there were only one or two things which you actually had to look at the item to interact with it in some way.I really wish that there was more freedom to explore the map and world on your own but instead you are largely locked into very specific places and don't have the option to go anywhere except where it is directing you. Currently there's very little available to help you figure out where things you've missed are such as all the toads, journal pages, or invisible beings. For example somewhere I missed at least one invisisble being but I can't figure out where. I interacted with everyting I could multiple times and tried going to every available location I could find... where was the missed being? No, clue, and once you near the end of the game you have to give back your lens and can't go back out of Lothriel (sp?) so you can't go back and collect anything you've missed.The other thing I disliked is the dialogue. The stories are interesting but, many of the dialogues are TOO LONG. More than one conversation took a good 15-20 minutes just to finish a single dialogue with a single character. This might be okay if i happens once for a major story plot but it's like every other character has a very long story to get through. Eventually, as much as I wanted to read story elements and nderstand all the little things I just gave up and started fast clicking though all the dialogues. In this game it doesn't really matter because you will be led to wherever you have to go and won't need to worry about remembering anything since dialogue options are automatic and items are auomatically chosen for you when right clicking through available actions if you can use them. The detailed story was fun at first but eventually felt more burdensome and unecessary to move through the game. Also some of the dialogue is a little strange. I think it was written in Italian first than translated to English which most of the time in the game is fine but someimes reads in odd ways or it feels like the dialogue doesn't match with the character so much.I also really didn't care for he fighting system. It's a bar with a green area in the middle and red on the sides with a whie icon that moves from side to side, you need to hit the button when the icon is in the green in order o be sucessful. It's used too man times and is very annoying. I would have preferred some type of combat interface like you would find in something Quest for Glory or any other RPG with combat components. This made the combat portions tedious and boring.Overall, I still enjoyed the game quite a bit and would probably play it again in the future but I don't know if it has as much replay value as old Sierra Point & Clicks have for me. I think it has potential if they ever decide to make some type of series out of the game assuming they work on more succint dialogue and an updated interface that's easier to work with.. • Τεράστιο σ' έκταση, μέ δεκάδες διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες καί συμπαθητικά γραφικά. Στα [-]• Η υπερβολική φλυαρία στούς διαλόγους (σέ διάφορα σημεία νομίζεις ότι διαβάζεις μυθιστόρημα), η ευθύγραμμη καί καθοδηγούμενη δράση, η απλοικότητα τών γρίφων καί τό αργόσυρτο περπάτημα τού ήρωα, δημιουργούν τό κατάλληλο υπόβαθρο γιά νά σέ πάρει ο ύπνος. • Οι γρίφοι του, πέρα από τήν ευκολία πού τούς χαρακτηρίζει (μ' εξαίρεση τά γνωστά "αινίγματα" πού θά σέ στείλουν στό λυσσάρι) αποτελούν καί μιά συλλογή απ' ό,τι πιό κλισεδιάρικο έχει κυκλοφορήσει σ' αυτό τό King's Quest στύλ παιχνιδιού. • Τό αποκορύφωμα τής χαζομάρας:https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5xeQBy6JDJY/Wp0zCjwzGVI/AAAAAAACibk/_vpIoxpWC14LO1AkK3UxEvQd4DFdfsmBgCLcBGAs/s320/Eselmir%2B2018-03-04%2B17-19-42-83.bmpΟχι, δέν πρόκειται γιά πραγματικό "Fatal Error" αλλά γιά τήν "προσπάθεια τού Μάγου νά σέ κοροιδέψει (!!!)", σύμφωνα μέ τά λεγόμενα τού κατασκευαστή... Τό "αστειάκι" θά μπορούσε νά λειτουργήσει (έστω...) άν χρειαζόταν ένα μόνο κλίκ γιά νά επανέρθει τό παιχνίδι στή φυσιολογική του ροή, αλλά στήν προκειμένη περίπτωση χρειάζονται καμιά δεκαριά! Συνοψίζοντας• Κουραστικό καί βαρετό. Βαθμολογία: 1,5/5Παρεμφερείς ΤίτλοιA TALE OF TWO KINGDOMShttp://adventures-index10.blogspot.com/2017/05/eselmir-and-five-magical-gifts.html. The game is very beautiful, with an equally beautiful story and artistry to match.. Very disappointing.. I really enjoyed Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts. A lovingly crafted adventure in every detail\u2014from its rich characters and world to the hand-painted aesthetic. A nice point-and-click surprise hidden in the Steam Store.
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